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All birds sing beautifully / Homo Novus

All birds sing beautifully / Homo Novus

Creative teamKrista Burāne, Jēkabs Nīmanis / Dirty Deal Teatro (Latvia)

Language:Latvian Language with no subtitles

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"All birds sing beautifully" is a musical participatory performance that offers viewers an unusual perspective on the borders of culture and nature, where a struggle between the cultivated and the natural, human order and wilderness, takes place. Within the performance, professional artists collaborate with young people who sing in choirs. Even the audience, by listening and hearing stories about birds and humans, contributes to the overall resonance of the show.

In Latvian mythology, human and bird songs help organize the world. The yellowhammer, the lark, the wagtail, the thrush, the blackbird, and the chaffinch play significant roles in it. However, currently, they are experiencing a rapid decline in population. Their voices have become silent or are gradually fading throughout Europe due to intensive agriculture and deforestation. The same applies to Latvia. What does this mean for Latvian people who sing in choirs? Can our song and singing organize the world in a way that the voices of the less protected do not disappear within it? I want to provide an opportunity for people who are passionate about singing to realize that our voices have power not only within the grand choir of the Song Festival but also to defend other singers – the birds. We tell stories of encounters, shared lives, coexistence, and singing between Latvians and birds. And we pose the question – where lies the value of a bird's song?